We live in a world where the assumption of privacy has been non-existent for quite a long time. Whether its autocracies, corporations or some third entity you should take steps to safeguard your data and protect your communications. Even in existing liberal democracies we’re seeing an increasing slide towards authoritarianism and fascism, and it is…
Project Carcade, pt II
1 min read
I did my little prototyping, and it worked like a charm. The Sony AVX AV3250 has a parking break sensor, that enables the display to show the videosignal if, and only if, the parking break is enabled. Or, if you do like I did, and just ground it to the chassis of the car. The…
Order of Operations
2 min read
As I mentioned in my previous post I bought a car last year. I have been very happy with it, but the headunit in (which was cheap Chinese thing) annoyed me. It would crash often, and just generally be unreliable. Also, in the 2006 Honda Civic when you remove the stock head unit you lose…
Stack monitoring and debugging
3 min read
I still write a ton of code. Code needs to be maintained. That means keeping an eye on how your code performs. While talking through that process with a friend and a client, I thought it might be interesting to write a bit about my process. Git is the common thread I use Gitlab for…
missed connections; emergency exit row
1 min read
You: Lovely infectious laughter, brunette, travelling with your friend. Me: tall chubby red bearded supergeek. We started laughing about the Chinese gentleman who thought we were waving at him when we were yelling at him to take a step backward, so a young mother could get into her seat next to her child. We never…
Work & Play
2 min read
On and off (more on than off) I’ve been running my own business since 2006. I’ve never been much for formalized things, and so I’ve never really maintained an actual office for my business. It was never my idea that it was something that should grow into a massive corp, and so being just me…
Unexpected productivity
1 min read
For Christmas Liv gifted me a calendar. This particular one was a collection of daily strips from Ekstra Bladet, a publication I would usually avoid at any cost. But, y’know, it was a gift from a dear friend and so it has a space on my desk. Up until now, I’ve been occasionally pulling strips off…
The worlds oldest cinema
1 min read
An unexpected benefit from the dental trip to Stettin is that down the street from our hotel is the world oldest cinema. It opened in 1909 under the name Helios, at a time when Stettin was in Germany. And here 107 years later it’s still going. My inner filmbuff is unreasonably excited.
The Lucas Line
2 min read
Yesterday I finally went to see ‘Interstellar‘ and damn – what a mess of a movie (but that’s a post for another day). I posted a quick thing on Facebook and said it seemed like Nolan had finally crossed The Lucas Line. Then someone asked “What’s the Lucas Line?”. The Lucas Line is a small…