missed connections; emergency exit row

You: Lovely infectious laughter, brunette, travelling with your friend. Me: tall chubby red bearded supergeek.

We started laughing about the Chinese gentleman who thought we were waving at him when we were yelling at him to take a step backward, so a young mother could get into her seat next to her child.
We never stopped laughing for the two and a half hour flight. You found it especially funny that I got elbowed in the eye by the flight attendant during the safety demonstration, though you admitted to feeling bad for laughing at my misfortune.
You had been visiting Malta for Easter break with your friend, and was sad to be leaving. I jokingly invited you and your friend to come visit. You accepted (your friend roller her eyes at this).

I don’t know if it was fear or stress at missing my connecting flight, but I never got around to giving you my email address. If you’re out there, I’d like to buy you a cup of coffee sometime.